How do I change or reset my ThinkPortal password?

Step 1: Go to the ThinkPortal page and click the ‘Forgot password’ button.

click the ‘Forgot password’

Step 2: In a pop-up window, enter your registered email and click ‘Reset Password’.

click ‘Reset Password’

You’ll be sent an email with a reset password link.

reset password link

Step 3: Go to your email inbox, click the ‘Rest password’ button.

click the ‘Rest password’

Step 4: You’ll be taken to a window where you’ll need to type in your new password twice. Next, click the ‘Submit’ button.

click the ‘Submit’

Your password will be changed instantly, and you will be able to use it to log in to ThinkPortal. You will also receive an email to your registered email address confirming that your password has been reset.

Password Changed