How do I edit my alarms on ThinkTrader mobile app?

Step 1: Tap the ‘More’ icon in the bottom right corner of your home screen.

Step 2: On the new screen, tap ‘Alarms’.


You’ll see a list of active and triggered alarms.


Step 3: Tap an alarm you’d like to edit in the ‘Active’ list of alarms and select the ‘Edit alarm conditions’ tab in a pop-up screen. Once you finish modifying it, tap ‘Modify’ in the top right corner to confirm the change.

Please note that you can also create a new indicator alarm from this screen by tapping the ‘+’ button in the top right corner and setting the desirable triggers.

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The other way of editing your alarms is to open a chart of the instrument you created an alarm for, tap the little bell icon on the right side of it and select the ‘Modify’ tab.