How do I use the calendar on ThinkTrader mobile app?

Tap the mceclip0.png icon at the bottom of your home screen to see the important events and data releases.

You will see a list of events with the following information for each of them (if the data has already been released):

  • Event title
  • Act (actual) figure
  • For (forecast) figure
  • Prev (previous) figure

If the data hasn’t been released yet, you will see blank spaces under the event title.


Within this screen, you can perform the following actions:

  • Filter the news by the expected volatility – high (red), medium (yellow) or low (white) by tapping the mceclip2.png icon in the top right corner.


  • Access previous and future events by tapping the icon with two arrows on the left and right sides.
  • Refresh the latest event data by tapping the mceclip4.png icon in the top left corner.
  • Set the alarm for any of the listed events by tapping the event you are interested in.

Please note that alarms on ThinkTrader are set on the server, so your app does not need to be on to receive the alert. However, you will need to enable push notifications on your phone.